Check out our resources relating to trauma, brain development and, some common challenging behaviours.
Warning: Some readers may find the content within these fact sheets distressing. This website and the information it contains is not intended as a substitute for professional therapeutic, psychological, psychiatric or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek professional advice if you have concerns for yourself or someone that you know.
Self-Care for Carers
Learn what self care is, why self care is important and, the benefits of accepting respite for a child placed with you.
Therapeutic Interventions for Trauma
Many of our children in Out of Home Care have experienced trauma, abuse and neglect. You may need to think about what therapeutic interventions may be the right fit for them. Here are the four most common evidence-based therapeutic interventions for children with developmental trauma.
Rights of the Child
Learn about the rights of a child, as per the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990).
Understanding Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Learn about what Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is, including some impacts of exposure to substances in utero, as well as what you can do to support a child in your care that has been diagnosed with NAS.
Understanding Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Learn about what Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is, including some common behavioural presentations of FASD, as well as what you can do to support a child in your care that has been diagnosed with FASD.
Understanding ADHD
Learn about what Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is, including some common behavioural presentations of ADHD, as well as what you can do to support a child in your care that has been diagnosed with ADHD.
Understanding Autism
Learn about what Autism is, including the levels of Autism and some common behavioural presentations of Autism, as well as what you can do to support a child in your care that has been diagnosed with Autism.
Leaving Care
Learn how young people feel when they are leaving care, what you can do to prepare a young person for leaving care and, the supports that are available for a young person once they have left your care.
Family Group Conferences
Learn what a Family Group Conference is, why it is important and, the stages of a Family Group Conference.
Technology in the Care Environment
The use of Technology for Foster, Relative and, Kinship Carers. Topics include: Setting rules, online gaming, unwanted contact and grooming, how to support children using technology, Social Media, pornography, cyber bullying, nude photographs and sexting and, how to have conversations with your child about these topics.
Food Hoarding
Learn what food hoarding is, how it develops and, strategies for assisting a child who hoards food.
Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
Learn about how children who have been exposed to domestic violence are impacted, including impacts on attachment and the ‘Fight, Flight, Freeze’ response, as well as what you can do to support children exposed to domestic violence.
Grooming in Child Sexual Assault
Learn how to recognise grooming, the impacts that grooming has on the child and, what you can do to support a child who has been groomed.
Planning for Family Visits
Learn about why family visits are important for children in out of home care and what you can do to prepare yourself and your child for a family visit
Reportable Conduct Investigations
Learn about what reportable conduct is, who is involved and, the steps in the reportable conduct process in NSW.
Responding to Disclosures
Answers to frequently asked questions about responding to a disclosure of abuse or neglect.
Restrictive Practices
Learn what a restricted practice is in NSW, what behaviour support plans are and, how you can support a child in your care that demonstrates challenging behaviours.
Therapeutic Parenting
Therapeutic parenting describes the type of high-nurture, intentional parenting that encourages feelings of safety and connectedness. This then allows traumatised children to start to heal.
Emotional Regulation
Learn about emotional regulation, why it is important and, some activities that you can do to support a child who becomes dysregulated.
How Trauma Impacts Memory
Trauma can have a profound impact on a person's memory and traumatic memory can affect not only the brain, but also the body and nervous system as well.