

Continuum Consulting Australia Pty. Ltd. provides quality, timely and child-centred assessments. Some of the types of assessments include:

  • Foster care

  • Relative kinship carer

  • Carer and placement reviews

  • Restoration viability

  • Parenting capacity

  • Guardianship

  • Adoption and court reports

  • Home inspections

Continuum Consulting staff use assessment frameworks based on a systems theory model, which is consistent with holistic models used by Australian Government Departments and overseas models.

Continuum Consulting is a service involving a community of practitioners who have experience specifically within the child protection system. Our backgrounds include work within the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (formerly Family and Community Services), non-government organisations, the Children’s Court Clinic, the Office of the Children’s Guardian and the New South Wales Ombudsman. Our experience together provides a diverse yet strong knowledge base within the field and a supportive work environment.

Each of our staff and consultants are trained in social work or have multiple qualifications including psychology, child and adolescent welfare and counselling.

Quotes can be arranged through by providing a family name, suburb location of the assessment and the type of assessment required. Our administration will provide you with a referral form to complete whilst approval is being sought. Our referral forms can also be found here.